We have a team of talented people with a passion for collaborative working, empowered to make a positive impact and to deliver the best for our clients.
Thomas Rooksby
Peko Poon
Communications Coordinator
Saige Michel
Andrew Fong
Urban Designer
Stewart McKenna
Architectural Director
David Leech
Glenn Tate
Nancy Cernik
Associate Safety Consultant
Chris Blow
Sheldon Walsh
Andrew Snell
Sabrina Pan
Landscape Architect
Zahra Said
Kate Mathers
Hannah Schooler
Senior Designer
Sean Scanlon
Senior Safety Consultant
Paul Senior
Senior Architectural Technologist
Matt Haggerty
Mark Thompson
Managing Partner
Chiji Okeke
Senior Architect
Jack Davies
Hayley Stafford-Jones
Annabelle Blyton
UK Registered Architect
Amy Wemyss
Marketing and Communications Executive