Queen Elizabeth High School and Hexham Middle School

Hexham, UK - School

Reinstating heritage with state of the art student experiences.

Combining the very best of modern educational building construction, Queen Elizabeth School embodies a highly sustainable combination of historical buildings and innovative new builds.

Northumberland City Council
Hexham, UK
Complete 2021

Building connections and strategic collaboration.

Engagement was a key driver to lift this project off the ground. Though a technically demanding project, we worked with local authorities and key stakeholders to map out key plans. The objective was to minimise its impact on the listed assets of the site and prioritising them as the central element of the new campus.

Queen Elizabeth High School aerial plan
Pupils gathered on steps on Queen Elizabeth High School grounds in the sunshine
Queen Elizabeth High School from the air
Students outside Queen Elizabeth High School main entrance
Looking onto exterior of Queen Elizabeth High School buildings across the grounds, with figures gathered in distance

Blending tradition and modernity through education.

Care was taken to ensure the new architectural design developments were sensitively connected into the existing buildings, bridging the gap between old and new. The materials and detailing respect and sit harmoniously with the existing, creating seamless flows of movement for students, staff and visitors.

Queen Elizabeth High School underpass
Queen Elizabeth High School brick work

Delivering educational experiences for future generations.

The new exceptional buildings and facilities for Queen Elizabeth High School and Hexham Middle School delivered a distinct identity for the combination of the two schools. The development has created an exceptional learning and working atmosphere, ensuring it will benefit generations throughout the community for years to come.

Pupils playing football on football pitch
Building with sign for Hexham Middle School
The project has delivered a fantastic learning and working environment that will serve generations of young people in our community very well for years to come.”

Graeme Atkins

Executive Headteacher, Queen Elizabeth High School

Pupils blurred in motion in seating area
Pupils in an art classroom
Pupils gathered for assembly in a hall

Constructing Excellence North East

Shortlisted: Building Project of the Year


Construction News Awards

Shortlisted: Project of the Year (£20m-50m)


Education Estates

Winner: Project of the Year (Schools)

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